What do you get in each Pack?
Each pack contains 40 mixed type questions, 24 pictures, 5 tie break questions, 2 Replacement questions, an answer sheet and a front page which helps with the question formats. The question types range from 'True or False', '100 people surveyed', 'Guess the Year', Anagrams and much much more!
What happens at the end of the 4 weeks on your '4 weeks Free offer'?
After the 4th pack is sent to you, I send you an email telling you that the offer period is over and reminding you to order further packs. There will be an easy link in the email sent to ensure that you just need to click and order...simple!
How do I pay if I don't have a PayPal account?
When you hit the Buy Now button it will take you to a PayPal page. On this page you will see an option to pay using a credit or debit card. You can choose to create a PayPal account here or just use the page to pay using an existing card, the choice is entirely yours! Should PayPal be an issue just get in touch via email and I'll organise an alternative payment method for you. You can now place orders over the phone too!
What happens if I don't like the quizzes and don't want to go ahead and order packs at the end of 4 weeks?
Nothing. No hassle and no nagging emails from me! The offer is however, provided for you to try out FUNPUBQUIZ - with a view to placing an order and the offer is available to you once only.
What happens if I forget to renew and my quiz night comes round - I'll be stuck!?
The system I use is designed to limit this problem. When your subscription has ended I will email you to let you know, I will also be here to help whenever you need me. You can email, ring or text me and I'll get a pack to you, I've never failed to yet!
Having read the T&Cs am I right in saying, if I cancel after the 4 free quizzes have been sent, I would be charged for them?
No, you’ll never be charged for the 4 free packs - they’re free and that’s final. If you don’t like the packs, just reply to the email I send - with a ‘no thanks’ and you’ll never be asked to pay anything! You can only apply for the 4 free packs once, of course.
How do I get the quizzes if I sign up?
Quizzes and additional sheets are emailed to you. They are in PDF format and are attached to the emails. You may need to download PDF reader software. You can do this by visiting the Adobe website where the reader software is free to download.
Can I get just a part of the pack and not the rest at a reduced price?
Sorry, the packs are pre-set and structured to work as a whole. By all means take the parts that you want and dump the bits that you don't. The packs are so cheap (price depends on your size of pre-order) it won't really be beneficial to break them up for sale. The cost is in the research and work up more than the packs themselves.
I noticed that you can provide Silver packs instead of the other Pub Quizzes. What are these?
SILVER packs are now available for quizzers if the modern culture questions are leaving them baffled and they prefer something more nostalgic. Silver Pics are included in all packs but the Silver pack is ideal for those who were around in the 60s, 70s and 80s or those who just love the Classic TV, film and retro questions. So, if you're more Top of the Pops than Love Island or more Hitchcock than Tarantino or even prefer your Monopoly to your Pokémon, then maybe Silver's your colour!
What is a Cryptic Quiz?
It's a list of Cryptic clues on a page which relate to a theme. The quizzers have to guess the answer by working out the clue. E.g. Chocolate bar, Clue: 4th from the sun. Ans: Mars. This format is ideal for supporting fundraising or to supplement your quiz night. I have a wide range of topics to choose from.
How do I know that if I sign for 52 weeks that I am gonna get all 52 packs?
Funpubquiz.com has been providing packs for over 10 years and many customers choose to save by ordering for 12 months. In the event that packs are paid for but cannot be delivered to you - your money will be returned - though this has never yet happened so, don't worry! Still not sure, then why not order just a 4 pack subscription and review the situation after that?
How do I know the information I enter on the form will be treated in confidence?
Unlike other internet companies we don't use the information for any other purpose than that of dealing with your Pub Quiz needs. We do not sell your email address onto other companies nor do we bombard you with advertising emails. This is all part of The FUNPUBQUIZ pledge. You can see this below and on other pages on this site.
Why can't I receive quiz packs that are pre-printed and then posted to me rather than emailed?
Here at FUNPUBQUIZ.com I have tried to keep the cost of producing the packs to a minimum. For me, so that I don't have to charge too much and for you as the customer, so you don't have to shell out. With printing costs so high, I have designed a business model that means you print the number you need ... no waste and costs you control.
I notice that the packs are not that glossy. Also, lots of information on a small number of pages. Why?
I am continually looking to improve the look of the packs but the model for FPQ is that packs are emailed to you to allow you to be in control of the printing and provision. Print as little of the packs or as much as you want. This is to ensure that you only print what you know you need - NO WASTE! The packs are formatted to allow the buyer to use as little coloured ink and paper as possible, I mean - how expensive is that coloured ink!? This is all designed to keep the cost down which is passed directly to you. That's why you can get complete Quiz Packs for less than price of a pint!
What happens if I order and then we have a COVID-19 lockdown again?
Will I lose my money? No. In this circumstance I have have frozen accounts where customers have reported this to me, ready to re-activate them with their credit from that point, for when they re-open. While I cannot refund money - I can ensure that packs are sent later in the year. This has been the FPQ policy throughout the pandemic period.